Category: featured
Juggling Marriage and Ministry, Homelife and Service
Some time ago my husband and I were invited to talk to a group of students on how we juggle marriage and ministry. Thomas and I have been married for 26 years. We’ve spent the last 30 years together. Just saying it out loud makes me feel 3 000 years old, but you see, I…
What do You Take with You?
What have you gained in 2018? What will you bring into 2019 that you didn’t have a year ago? A spouse? Children? Wisdom? A new job? Grief? Knowledge? Grandchildren? Pain? A diagnosis? Hope? (Do NOT say ‘weight’! Some things are just better left ignored…!) Jokes aside, these are the questions I’ve been asking myself during…
The Selah Christmas
These are strange days. Busy, but yet so very quiet. We approach these holidays slowly. Carefully. Patiently. While most people rush from one Christmas party to another, we have little energy left to squander. This is our Selah moment. The splendor light of heaven’s glorious sunriseis about to break upon us in holy visitation,all because…
Waiting for another miracle
It’s been a long fall. This is a season of waiting for us. I don’t like to wait. It’s been a season where darkness has frequently tried to set up a permanent residency in our lives, but we have kicked its sorry ass to the curb on every occasion. Forcefully. Unapologetically. We have consciously decided…
The Art of Giving Thanks
Have you recovered from overindulging in turkey and sweet potatoes? Thanksgiving is truly the best US export ever, not merely because of the food bonanza, but because it calibrates our perspective and helps us count our blessings. In Europe the art of giving thanks is mainly centered around Christmas or New Year. The Southern part…
The Story within the Story – Searching for a Stranger
I was off to spend a couple of hours of free time with my friend, who was a Cuban pastor. Thomas walked with us to the nail salon, before taking off to roam the streets of Santiago de Cuba looking for photo opportunities. My husband has an outstanding ability to get in touch with people…
Times are Changing – Testimonies from Cuba
We were due for a 2-3 hours’ drive from the airport. “It’s a good thing we’re going during the daytime” our friend said, nodding knowingly. “That way we can avoid the 2 ft deep pot holes in the road and actually get to our destination.” We nodded, too. Eagerly. Going back to Cuba was like…
Communicating without Words
I lost my voice this last week after coughing too much for too long. I didn’t feel sick but being speechless is complicated for a speaker. Turns out, I still had a lot to say. So, I used whatever means I could to communicate. I smiled, nodded and found my inner Latina as I gestured…
When Someone Takes an Interest in Your Trash
My son entered the house with a bewildered look on his face. «Eh… I’ll need some help.” I followed him out and he pointed to the road next to our house. There was a bunch of plants spread all over the sidewalk. We walked over to see and realized that there was a shopping cart…
When the Shoe Doesn’t Fit
I kept my eyes fixed on the ground to make sure I didn’t bump my suitcase into anyone. There was a long line of impatient people hurrying from the train station and into the airport. That’s when I saw her. She was dressed in clothes that let me understand that she was wealthy. Her face…