Tag: love

  • Communicating without Words

    Communicating without Words

    I lost my voice this last week after coughing too much for too long. I didn’t feel sick but being speechless is complicated for a speaker. Turns out, I still had a lot to say. So, I used whatever means I could to communicate. I smiled, nodded and found my inner Latina as I gestured…

  • When Someone Takes an Interest in Your Trash

    When Someone Takes an Interest in Your Trash

    My son entered the house with a bewildered look on his face. «Eh… I’ll need some help.” I followed him out and he pointed to the road next to our house. There was a bunch of plants spread all over the sidewalk. We walked over to see and realized that there was a shopping cart…

  • Called to Feel

    Called to Feel

    Those who follow me on social media will have registered that I’ve been traveling a bit this summer. Rather than blogging about it concurrently, I decided to stay present in the moment. To experience. Feel. Cry. And ponder. I’ve needed some time to reflect upon everything we’ve seen and heard this summer. For the upcoming…

  • Cancelled Trip and an Aching Heart

    Cancelled Trip and an Aching Heart

    Our upcoming trip to Mozambique was cancelled due to the political unrest in the province of Cabo Delgado. Our hearts go out to the Mozambican people, the evangelists, the missionaries, and the refugees who have fled from piles of ashes that used to be their homes. Many have lost loved ones, and fear is tangible.…

  • Traffic, God and Distorted Truth

    Traffic, God and Distorted Truth

    I like to drive. I do my best thinking while I’m driving, at least if I’m alone in the car. It’s interesting to observe how drivers interact. They pay attention to signs, search for patterns, and interpret signals to predict the actions of fellow drivers. Fascinating! Such interaction varies from one country to another. Failure…

  • What Happens When We Talk about Abuse?

    What Happens When We Talk about Abuse?

    Times are changing. What some believed to be buried and well hidden, suddenly re-surfaced. Hideous dark secrets brought to light. Degrading acts brought to our attention. Someone’s trauma turned into a 30 seconds’ segment on the news. We respond with outrage at the daily reports of harassment and abuse and demand that the perpetrators are…

  • She Laughs at the Days to Come Because Curling Up in a Fetal Position Gets Boring

    She Laughs at the Days to Come Because Curling Up in a Fetal Position Gets Boring

    We’ve spent some time in hospitals lately. My husband got the sports all mixed up and took a head dive while bicycling. Not recommended. He tore off the ligaments in both wrists and had surgery on both arms. Unsuccessful surgery, that is. The accident happened a couple of years ago, and ever since we have…

  • Hope, Hurt and Hospitals

    Hope, Hurt and Hospitals

    ”I’m in pain! And I blame God!” The tiny woman in front of me shot off a verbal projectile the very moment I saw her. The hurt and disappointment in her eyes were overwhelming. She is such a prayer warrior, always lifting up people in need before the Lord. So, why had he not protected…

  • Love, know, serve

    Love, know, serve

    The year was 1969. That’s actually a few years before I was born, but growing up as the youngest of five siblings I was blessed with a head full of utterly useless music information from years gone by. His name was Bobby Vinton… and the song was….? You don’t know? I’ll give you a hint.…

  • Facing the Greatness of Others

    Facing the Greatness of Others

    I have been blessed to be spending a few days with Heidi Baker, listening to the stories of years of hard work and love laid down. I’m humbled. Honored. Moved beyond words. Undone by the faithful surrender. And I’m challenged. Because it’s impossible to be near this woman without reflecting on what love looks like…