Tag: friendship

  • Juggling Marriage and Ministry, Homelife and Service

    Juggling Marriage and Ministry, Homelife and Service

    Some time ago my husband and I were invited to talk to a group of students on how we juggle marriage and ministry. Thomas and I have been married for 26 years. We’ve spent the last 30 years together. Just saying it out loud makes me feel 3 000 years old, but you see, I…

  • What do You Take with You?

    What do You Take with You?

    What have you gained in 2018? What will you bring into 2019 that you didn’t have a year ago? A spouse? Children? Wisdom? A new job? Grief? Knowledge? Grandchildren? Pain? A diagnosis? Hope?   (Do NOT say ‘weight’! Some things are just better left ignored…!)  Jokes aside, these are the questions I’ve been asking myself during…

  • Bragging Friends and Dirty Laundry

    Bragging Friends and Dirty Laundry

    «I’ve bragged about you today.» She smiled at me. Flushed, I immediately wanted to tell her to stop, go back and rectify. I knew that no matter what she had said, I would feel the need to balance it all out by listing up all my flaws and shortcomings. I do that. Like, on a…

  • Called to Feel

    Called to Feel

    Those who follow me on social media will have registered that I’ve been traveling a bit this summer. Rather than blogging about it concurrently, I decided to stay present in the moment. To experience. Feel. Cry. And ponder. I’ve needed some time to reflect upon everything we’ve seen and heard this summer. For the upcoming…

  • A Wonder Woman Fully Dressed

    A Wonder Woman Fully Dressed

    I have a friend I’ve never met. I’ve never talked to her in person, not even over the phone, yet there is a strong bond between us. I don’t really know how tall she is, what she likes to do in her spare time, or what she likes to eat. I have never met her…

  • “Who Are You?”

    “Who Are You?”

    We had a few friends over for tapas last weekend. All of them knew some of the others, but nobody knew all, which always makes it interesting. Even though they came from different backgrounds and walks of life they were all eager to get to know each other, as I knew they would be. I…

  • Friends, Fresh Eyes and Revival in a Cup

    Friends, Fresh Eyes and Revival in a Cup

    It was her first service at our church. I had met her in the hallway, encouraging her to go into the sanctuary. She was reluctant. After all, she was tired and ready to go home. I gently pushed her along, if not physically, at least emotionally. She was a dear friend and I really wanted…

  • Friendship, Shared Misery and Enduring Love

    Friendship, Shared Misery and Enduring Love

    Our friendship stretched over many years although we hadn’t seen each other lately. We were happy to have them visiting once again. Over a meal, we all shared and listened, and little by little we caught up with the latest developments and the well-being of one another. He was in pain and struggled to deal…

  • The Story that’s Writing Itself

    The Story that’s Writing Itself

    “Wait!” she said as she ran towards us. She told us how God had put a spot light on our son during the meeting and prompted her to pray for him. I hesitated, I didn’t know her and I did not want to expose Adrian to strangers who would approach him for different reasons. She…

  • Off-Script


    “Wait!” she said as she studied me. “You’ve got something on your cheek.” My friend pointed to where the leftover breakfast could be found. I brushed my face with my hands but she shook her head. “No, there’s still a stain.” She pointed at her own face to show me approximately where I should be…