Tag: honor

  • When Someone Takes an Interest in Your Trash

    When Someone Takes an Interest in Your Trash

    My son entered the house with a bewildered look on his face. «Eh… I’ll need some help.” I followed him out and he pointed to the road next to our house. There was a bunch of plants spread all over the sidewalk. We walked over to see and realized that there was a shopping cart…

  • Bragging Friends and Dirty Laundry

    Bragging Friends and Dirty Laundry

    «I’ve bragged about you today.» She smiled at me. Flushed, I immediately wanted to tell her to stop, go back and rectify. I knew that no matter what she had said, I would feel the need to balance it all out by listing up all my flaws and shortcomings. I do that. Like, on a…

  • Learning from the Best – Meet our Friend Martin

    Learning from the Best – Meet our Friend Martin

    Leadership is hard. Lonely. Underpaid for limitless hours. You don’t hear much about church leaders who have been in full-time ministry over decades. Maybe because few last that long. But even those who do hardly ever figure in the headlines. If they do, it’s because they’ve done something deplorable, unspeakable… that we’d like to talk…

  • Front Row Seat to a Miracle – The Last Appointment with the Doctor

    Front Row Seat to a Miracle – The Last Appointment with the Doctor

    This week, we saw Adrian’s doctor for the last time. This once so tiny, fragile infant will be 18 in a couple of months, and it was time for his last checkup at the pediatric polyclinic. Here’s what our brilliant doctor has taught us about God. Following the instructions from Heaven Shortly after our son…

  • Honor or hype?

    Honor or hype?

    In an honoring culture, we often talk about cheering each other on, calling forth the gold, and encouraging people to step into their destiny. What does that mean? Are those merely words, or do they come with a content? “Is honor just another word for hype?” “Is that what you’re doing? Hyping whatever you agree…

  • The Annoying, the Unlovable and the Gold

    The Annoying, the Unlovable and the Gold

    I’m sick of how she always takes the last one, without ever considering the needs of others. She’s so annoying, she’ll never change! And that new guy? He seems to think that he’s in charge of this place, doesn’t he get that there’s a certain order to things? And those snarky comments? What does he…

  • Honor and Disagreement

    Honor and Disagreement

    A few days ago, I listened to an excellent talk on the significance of disagreement. The speaker spoke of how important it was to allow for different opinions to be heard, and how Christians need to make sure not to surround themselves with like-minded people only. Jesus instructed us to be salt and light; to…

  • Appearances and Beyond

    Appearances and Beyond

    She was in her early twenties and heavily tattooed. I knew her and remembered that she would usually get a new tattoo or piercing whenever she was going through difficult times. She did it to remind herself that she was stronger than she felt. She had told me that the stinging sensation left by the…

  • The Ear Ringing Silence

    The Ear Ringing Silence

    Silence speaks. Every mom knows this. This utter lack of sound fills us with dread and suspicion. We may not know the cause for it, but something’s going on! So we go hunting. We look at all the usual places. Behind the couch. Under the table. In the closets. Underneath the stairs. Nothing. So we…