The Sound of Heaven

I had downloaded a few old Christmas songs on my phone and were playing them over the sound system at home. Some had a fifties’ bluegrass feel to them and the sound of the guitar made me smile. All of a sudden I jumped to my feet. The strum pattern was the exact same my dad used to play years ago when I was little. My dad was an amateur musician who enjoyed playing with his family, and I had never thought there was anything special to his playing. But as I heard someone play exactly like he used to my heart filled with joy and sorrow. How I missed him! I would often get these spurs of longing in the years after my dad went to be with the Lord. I smiled tearfully.

As I told my mom about this recording she looked quizzically at me. “I can’t remember him playing the guitar in any particular manner,” she said. I knew what she meant. I had never given it another thought, that is, until I heard his exact playing after he was gone. I put the recording on and she leaned forward, listening carefully. Suddenly she sat up straight. “Oh!” she exclaimed, “There it is! It’s just like your father!” Again, the smile, the tears and the lump in our throats.

We both beamed as we told my brother. Although we knew that it was not my dad playing it brought such wonderful memories. My brother shook his head doubtfully, saying that he didn’t remember anything special about our dad’s guitar playing. I didn’t argue this time, I just put the recording on. Within seconds my brother’s face lit up. “Who would have known! Our dad had a signature strum! And we never realized it.”

It was a minor detail, but it brought us such joy. There we were, listening to the music, remembering my dad. The unexpected togetherness. The light piercing the dark December nights. The celebration of a man and his anonymous signature strum.

The holidays give us time to slow down, relax, reflect and feel. All the thoughts and emotions that you have kept at an arm’s length tend to find you at Christmas. The people you miss. The opportunities that were lost. The crushed hopes. The fears of tomorrow.

But what if you decided to shift focus? What if you decided to listen for the Father’s signature strum in your life?

Think back. What has he been doing in your life lately?

When was your mind at peace?

What did you do when you felt your heart sing?

Where were you when you experienced this greatness, this feeling of being part of something that reached above and beyond?

Who were you with when you had a sense of purpose?

Who and what have you given yourself to?

Whenever you achieved something that was greater than you expected it to be, what were you doing? Where were you? Who were you with? And how did God blow on it?

Make these questions your foundation as you plan ahead. Look for what God is leading you into. Joining forces with him is so much more fulfilling than asking him to bless your plans.

People will be attracted to his signature strum through you. The sound of his strings in you will fill the caverns of their heart, causing them to respond to his love and thus making them complete. You are never as powerful as when you are surrendered.

Allow people to find their fulfillment in Christ through you. Let him make your life a glorious adventure. The song of your heart brings joy to the Father as he recognizes the symphony he created within you. At his signal, all heaven accompanies you, releasing life and love to the people around you. All because of the Father’s signature strum in you. Keep playing!





2 responses to “The Sound of Heaven”

  1. Lynn Avatar

    Two years ago, I spent a year studying the impact of music…how it touches our brains and our souls. The research was meant to instruct at a small women’s retreat…I had pages and pages of material. We even wrote our own song!
    Thank you for the encouraging message from a slightly different point of view.
    God bless your words, your music, your loved ones…

    1. Marian Nygard Avatar
      Marian Nygard

      Thank you, Lynn. It’s true, so many of our memories come with their very own soundtrack. God bless you!