Tag: dad

  • The Sound of Heaven

    The Sound of Heaven

    I had downloaded a few old Christmas songs on my phone and were playing them over the sound system at home. Some had a fifties’ bluegrass feel to them and the sound of the guitar made me smile. All of a sudden I jumped to my feet. The strum pattern was the exact same my…

  • Appearances and Beyond

    Appearances and Beyond

    She was in her early twenties and heavily tattooed. I knew her and remembered that she would usually get a new tattoo or piercing whenever she was going through difficult times. She did it to remind herself that she was stronger than she felt. She had told me that the stinging sensation left by the…

  • In the Midst of Pain

    In the Midst of Pain

    The weeks leading up to the death of my father were the most precious and grief-filled experiences of my life. We knew that unless a miracle happened his life was coming to an end. It was my honor and privilege to spend this special time with him. He made room for all of us, making…