Tag: relationship

  • Communicating without Words

    Communicating without Words

    I lost my voice this last week after coughing too much for too long. I didn’t feel sick but being speechless is complicated for a speaker. Turns out, I still had a lot to say. So, I used whatever means I could to communicate. I smiled, nodded and found my inner Latina as I gestured…

  • Candles, Hygge and Earthly Tents – How Do We Speak about Faith?

    Candles, Hygge and Earthly Tents – How Do We Speak about Faith?

    Norwegians love candles. We love fireplaces, woolen socks and sheepskin rugs. Don’t judge. You would, too, if you had the Arctic circle as your next-door neighbor and spent months with little or no sun in the freezing temperatures. OK, so maybe it’s not exactly my next-door neighbor… and maybe I live in the warmest part…

  • How Do I Know that God is Real?

    How Do I Know that God is Real?

    I have a dear friend who recently found her way back to the Father. Now she was confused and angry. “I don’t know what to do about this whole faith issue. Whenever I hear people in church talk about how they encounter God, I think to myself, “That is not my experience! I’ve never met…

  • Fears, flavors and non-toxic relationships

    Fears, flavors and non-toxic relationships

    ”Yikes!” I screamed. ”There’s a tiny green larva crawling over me!” I shouted, squirmed, and squatted, all actions indicated to move my husband, AKA my knight in shining armor, into action. Not happening. He glanced at me before stating, “At least you know that you’re not toxic.” Say what? “He nodded thoughtfully: “Yeah, it would…