Tag: heart

  • The Gifts We Give

    The Gifts We Give

    What kind of gifts would Jesus appreciate? What does he want from me?

  • Communicating without Words

    Communicating without Words

    I lost my voice this last week after coughing too much for too long. I didn’t feel sick but being speechless is complicated for a speaker. Turns out, I still had a lot to say. So, I used whatever means I could to communicate. I smiled, nodded and found my inner Latina as I gestured…

  • Maintenance of the Heart

    Maintenance of the Heart

    Adrian was helping his dad with some outdoors maintenance. I heard the hissing noise of muffled teenage complaints, followed by Thomas’ calm voice, “But you haven’t secured the ladder! By shifting its position, you make sure that it won’t slip or fall.” More grumpy hissing. As I passed by, I commented, “It’s OK, Adrian. But…