How Do I Get my Healing?

Last week our testimony aired on CBN’s 700 Club. It’s always strange, slightly terrifying, but mostly wonderful to see other people’s perspective on our story. We knew that everyone watching it would have their own history with pain and suffering, and maybe they were left with questions without anyone to direct them to.

After the airing on 700 Club a lot of people have contacted us, celebrating our victory and sharing their own. I’m so excited to hear of everything that God is doing all over the world! Testimonies lift our spirit and allow us to see our circumstances from a heavenly perspective. He is certainly able! He can and will do it again!

Some have invited us into their grief, giving a voice to their pain for the first time. Others tell us that their friends and family are worn down by their many questions, so now they just bottle them up inside. So, I thought I might address some of the questions we’ve been getting lately. I’m praying that it will be helpful to anyone directly or indirectly affected by pain, disease or handicap.

I’m sick. What do I need to do to get my healing?

I hear your pain. For 12 years we struggled with serious, progressive illness as our son Adrian was gradually getting worse. Somehow I knew, though, that his healing did not depend on us. We did not have to do the right things, say the correct prayers, or posture ourselves in some particular way. We were just called to love him, take care of him and placing him in the hands of the Father. We fully trusted Him to carry our little son. We could simply do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.

What do I do while I’m waiting for my healing?

You live. You love. And you laugh a lot. Too many people put their life on hold, waiting to get healed, to get promoted, or for the right one to come along. Make sure that you are present in your own life because that’s where God is. Right there. With you. Not where you wish you’d be, or where you think you ought to be. Don’t miss out on what He’s doing in your life right now. Hold on to the peace that surpasses all understanding. Your joy doesn’t originate in your healing, but in knowing that your name is written in heaven. Know the joy of the Lord is your strength always, no matter your circumstances.

I’ve been sick all my life. My handicap is who I am.

No. You are who the Father says you are. You are his beloved. His son. His daughter. You are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand for you to walk in. You are the one He rejoices over with gladness, all while singing! I used to sing silly songs to my kids when they were young, making them up as we went along, calling out all that I loved and cherished about them. Can you imagine the Father doing that over you? Listen for His voice. What is He saying? That’s who you are. Make sure that you hold on to your God-given identity. Prophesy His truth over you. You are the one the Father celebrates.

The Bible says that I’m healed by his stripes, but I’m still sick.
I feel like a liar every time I quote that verse!

What may feel true in your circumstances is not what is the truth of your life. The truth is that Jesus paid the price – in full! – for your healing. The fact that you have not seen is realized in your body yet does not make that any less true. He was wounded for your transgressions and bruised for your iniquities. Nothing you can say or do will ever change that. That is the truth! The chastisement for your peace was upon Him. There’s no reason for you to take that on, He already did. For you! And by His stripes you are healed.

I have all these questions about healing!

I know! That’s why I wrote about them in my book, I Have a Good Life – The Story of Adrian’s Healing, where I tell our story.

Throughout the book I address the difficult questions, such as ‘Where is God in our suffering?’, ‘Is the omnipotent, all-knowing God really moved by our prayers?’ and ‘How can I prepare for my healing?’

I wrote that for you, praying that you would find the peace that Jesus purchased for you. In your body. In your mind. In your spirit.

You are not forgotten.
You are loved.




“I sincerely want everyone I know to read this story.
It is packed with practical faith, and extreme wisdom. Read it and be changed!”

– Bill Johnson

Bethel Church, Redding, CA

Author of When Heaven Invades Earth, and
Co-author of The Essential Guide to Healing






6 responses to “How Do I Get my Healing?”

  1. Shirley Howard Avatar
    Shirley Howard

    Loved this story. I, too, am standing for my healing for over a year now. No matter what, His word is final….By HIS Stripes, I Am Healed! I praise His name forever!!!

    1. Marian Nygard Avatar
      Marian Nygard

      Amen, Shirley!

  2. Bryn Sellers Avatar

    Good stuff right here.

    1. Marian Nygard Avatar
      Marian Nygard

      Thank you, Bryn! Love your blog, too!

  3. Algaude Sivileviciene Avatar
    Algaude Sivileviciene

    Thank you! It is such an encouraging story! I and my two sons are going through a lot of pain and brokennes, difficulty to love after a violent divorce case after their father left the family. Your story of perserverence in physical healing gives hope to our story of spiritual and emotional healing. We also live in Norway. Thank you again! In the Father’s hands, we are His beloved children♡

    1. Marian Nygard Avatar
      Marian Nygard

      God is with you in the waiting. Praying for peace and restoration for you and your sons!