Tag: truth

  • Light in the dark season

    Light in the dark season

    It’s morning. The sun is just up and we have a few hours of light before it once again gets dark. This is the dark season. It’s very symbolic, at least in this part of the world, that advent comes at the darkest time of the year. It’s when it’s dark that you truly value…

  • The Story within the Story – Searching for a Stranger

    The Story within the Story – Searching for a Stranger

    I was off to spend a couple of hours of free time with my friend, who was a Cuban pastor. Thomas walked with us to the nail salon, before taking off to roam the streets of Santiago de Cuba looking for photo opportunities. My husband has an outstanding ability to get in touch with people…

  • Bragging Friends and Dirty Laundry

    Bragging Friends and Dirty Laundry

    «I’ve bragged about you today.» She smiled at me. Flushed, I immediately wanted to tell her to stop, go back and rectify. I knew that no matter what she had said, I would feel the need to balance it all out by listing up all my flaws and shortcomings. I do that. Like, on a…

  • Traffic, God and Distorted Truth

    Traffic, God and Distorted Truth

    I like to drive. I do my best thinking while I’m driving, at least if I’m alone in the car. It’s interesting to observe how drivers interact. They pay attention to signs, search for patterns, and interpret signals to predict the actions of fellow drivers. Fascinating! Such interaction varies from one country to another. Failure…

  • Honor and Disagreement

    Honor and Disagreement

    A few days ago, I listened to an excellent talk on the significance of disagreement. The speaker spoke of how important it was to allow for different opinions to be heard, and how Christians need to make sure not to surround themselves with like-minded people only. Jesus instructed us to be salt and light; to…

  • The Stories We Tell Ourselves

    The Stories We Tell Ourselves

    One of our sons was due to start in a new school. He dreaded it and looked forward to it at the same time. He wondered if he would make new friends, if they would be better than him at soccer, if the teacher would understand his handwriting – all those important questions that urgently…