Tag: season

  • A Time for Everything

    A Time for Everything

    This is about the season that you’d never choose, but you still don’t want to miss out on.

  • Embracing Your Battle

    Embracing Your Battle

    We’ve been down with a cold for a few days. Since last Wednesday most family members have taken turns in bed with high fever, bad cough and general misery. We encourage each other and have creative competitions to pass time, such as How long will it take to heat up a freezing cold room with…

  • Prophecies that will Move You into a New Season

    Prophecies that will Move You into a New Season

    I love being a mom. I’ve always loved it, but possibly even more now that I’m the proud mother of four young adults, ages 16 to 22. Calling a 16-year-old a young adult is stretching it, but hey! – I just scored huge mom points with my youngest one! One of our kids has moved out,…

  • How do You Hold On to Faith in the Dark Season?

    How do You Hold On to Faith in the Dark Season?

    Things changed. Life got difficult. You lost someone. Suddenly, your employer didn’t need your services anymore. Your friends left. Your kids grew up and moved on with their lives, leaving you insecure of your identity. Maybe the changes took place within you? Cancer stole your dreams for the future. The accident left your body unable…

  • The Lesson of the Chimes

    The Lesson of the Chimes

    When traveling a few years ago I picked up a set of wind chimes from a local art store. I wasn’t particularly fond of chimes, but I just couldn’t avoid these. Literally. As I entered the store I turned somewhat abruptly and banged my head into them. They were big and made quite an impact.…