Tag: respect

  • What Happens When We Talk about Abuse?

    What Happens When We Talk about Abuse?

    Times are changing. What some believed to be buried and well hidden, suddenly re-surfaced. Hideous dark secrets brought to light. Degrading acts brought to our attention. Someone’s trauma turned into a 30 seconds’ segment on the news. We respond with outrage at the daily reports of harassment and abuse and demand that the perpetrators are…

  • Fears, flavors and non-toxic relationships

    Fears, flavors and non-toxic relationships

    ”Yikes!” I screamed. ”There’s a tiny green larva crawling over me!” I shouted, squirmed, and squatted, all actions indicated to move my husband, AKA my knight in shining armor, into action. Not happening. He glanced at me before stating, “At least you know that you’re not toxic.” Say what? “He nodded thoughtfully: “Yeah, it would…

  • Honor and Disagreement

    Honor and Disagreement

    A few days ago, I listened to an excellent talk on the significance of disagreement. The speaker spoke of how important it was to allow for different opinions to be heard, and how Christians need to make sure not to surround themselves with like-minded people only. Jesus instructed us to be salt and light; to…