Tag: love
Will You Stand in the Gap for the Unsung Heroes?
The man in front of me was young, but wise beyond his years. He was patient, but adamant; tender, yet strong. Together with his wife, he provided safe surroundings for a fragile little girl, all too familiar with suffering. He was telling a story that used to be ours; a story of vulnerability, of crushed…
A Sneak Peek into Family Life
My kids know their mom all too well. I put it down to my good heart and not too bad communication skills. They attribute it to their excellent insight into human behavioral science. In other words, they know how to play their mom. One day I asked my son to help me out, and he…
The Story that’s Writing Itself
“Wait!” she said as she ran towards us. She told us how God had put a spot light on our son during the meeting and prompted her to pray for him. I hesitated, I didn’t know her and I did not want to expose Adrian to strangers who would approach him for different reasons. She…
Sharpening Iron
My kids have always had their fair share of arguments. That doesn’t bother me, after all, they argue a lot less than I used to do as a kid. (Not that I’m ever going to admit that to my kids, that would be like putting my head on the block. *Note to self: should I…
Honor and Disagreement
A few days ago, I listened to an excellent talk on the significance of disagreement. The speaker spoke of how important it was to allow for different opinions to be heard, and how Christians need to make sure not to surround themselves with like-minded people only. Jesus instructed us to be salt and light; to…
The Lesson of the Chimes
When traveling a few years ago I picked up a set of wind chimes from a local art store. I wasn’t particularly fond of chimes, but I just couldn’t avoid these. Literally. As I entered the store I turned somewhat abruptly and banged my head into them. They were big and made quite an impact.…
The Slayer of Entitlement
“Because I’m worth it!” The catchy phrase from the well-known commercial stuck with this generation. Not necessarily in a good way, though. More like in an annoying, self-entitled, spoiled, bratty way. How could self-worth ever be considered bad? Isn’t it wonderful that someone realizes his or her inherent worth? That they acknowledge their divine fabric,…
Appearances and Beyond
She was in her early twenties and heavily tattooed. I knew her and remembered that she would usually get a new tattoo or piercing whenever she was going through difficult times. She did it to remind herself that she was stronger than she felt. She had told me that the stinging sensation left by the…
What does God Sound like?
Once in a while people come up to me to tell me that they have read my book and how they felt about it. Those are special moments. It impacts me to hear how God touches other people through our story. Sometimes people would share bits and pieces of their life or they ask questions.…