Tag: entitlement

  • Accidental Eavesdropping and Unexpected Insight into Peed Pants, Candy and Grace

    Accidental Eavesdropping and Unexpected Insight into Peed Pants, Candy and Grace

    I eavesdropped on a conversation the other day. I didn’t mean to, but it was impossible to ignore the exchange between a screaming toddler and his mom. She kept raising her voice while hugging him, as if to muffle her little howling hustler, but he wasn’t having any of it. He was mad, insecure, motivated…

  • The Slayer of Entitlement

    The Slayer of Entitlement

    “Because I’m worth it!” The catchy phrase from the well-known commercial stuck with this generation. Not necessarily in a good way, though. More like in an annoying, self-entitled, spoiled, bratty way. How could self-worth ever be considered bad? Isn’t it wonderful that someone realizes his or her inherent worth? That they acknowledge their divine fabric,…