Tag: commitment

  • Bragging Friends and Dirty Laundry

    Bragging Friends and Dirty Laundry

    «I’ve bragged about you today.» She smiled at me. Flushed, I immediately wanted to tell her to stop, go back and rectify. I knew that no matter what she had said, I would feel the need to balance it all out by listing up all my flaws and shortcomings. I do that. Like, on a…

  • A Sneak Peek into Family Life

    A Sneak Peek into Family Life

    My kids know their mom all too well. I put it down to my good heart and not too bad communication skills. They attribute it to their excellent insight into human behavioral science. In other words, they know how to play their mom. One day I asked my son to help me out, and he…

  • The Story that’s Writing Itself

    The Story that’s Writing Itself

    “Wait!” she said as she ran towards us. She told us how God had put a spot light on our son during the meeting and prompted her to pray for him. I hesitated, I didn’t know her and I did not want to expose Adrian to strangers who would approach him for different reasons. She…